These extended power handles can be used on round reels and low profiles with a straight handle and star for added cranking power. These cannot be used on any reels with a bent handle and star design.
All ambassadeur round reels up to 6500 size and All Gen 2 Revo & Orra LPs w/o bent drag star.
- Increase torque and power
- Ergonomic Bent Handle Design
- Fits either EVA or PVC Handle Knobs
- Quantity: 1
- Color: Silver
All ambassadeur round reels up to 6500 size and All Gen 2 Revo & Orra LPs w/o bent drag star.
- Increase torque and power
- Ergonomic Bent Handle Design
- Fits either EVA or PVC Handle Knobs
- Quantity: 1
- Color: Silver