Early Season Deer Bow Hunting
Deer bow hunting demands an unique mix of skills, patience and especially planning.
Despite of being the same animal, bow hunting is something completely different of gun hunting because it requires a closer contact on a very short range, rendering this type of deer hunting even more challenging.
That's because deer bow hunters require a well planned strategy and a proper performance in order to success as most as possible, otherwise, missing tiny details probably will lead to disaster.
Let's see what to do to start the next deer season with the right foot, especially if you are planning to hunt early in the season, for many hunters the best time to catch a big buck with your bow.
1. Forget about pressure
After several months without being chased by hunters, deers are comfortable and reliant early in the season, however once hunting begins, it won't take too much time for deer to render distrustful, making harder to chase and beat them.
That's why a low pressure strategy must be used, particularly when you are hunting on private lands.
As the season begins and hunters start pressuring deer on their own lands, keeping yours "risk free" for deer will make them to migrate towards you! Then you won't need to find deer since they will go straight to you.
To achieve this result it's important to minimize scouting on your property and leave as less traces as possible to make deer confident about human menaces absence.
But, how to know where deer are without pressuring them? Well, you will must trust technology.
Much before season beginning, install cameras and movement sensors around your spot areas, this way you won't need to stay out too much time to find deer. The same may be said about blinds and tree stands. Install all your gear 4 or 6 weeks before season beginning.
This way there won't be anything new and threatening for deer on the area and they will start to migrate there when other hunters increase pressure on their own hunting grounds.
2. Plan in advance
Planning and organization is the key when you are trying to bow hunt a deer. Scout as much as possible and find big potential areas to install cameras, movement sensors, stands and so on.
Keep everything as scent free as possible and count with proper equipment to do the job. If you are going to use new gear or equipment it's a good idea to leave it out for some days to remove the "human scent" while natural odors impregnate your stuff.
Keep eyes wide open on feeding areas and water sources. Those areas will be the key for your hunting strategy.
3. Spot the regular routes
Despite of your land extension, there are always routes used by deers regularly, especially those going between feeding and bedding areas.
Pay special attention to theses trails because the chances to find a deer there are twice higher than any other place. So place stands and blinds strategically along those routes and you will probably will be successful catching a big deer.
4. Look for does
Even when every hunter wish to beat a big buck, the key for success is look for does. After all, once you locate does, sooner or later a buck will show, particularly during rut.
During rut deer are particularly active and noisy, so use your ears and keep your eyes wide open. If you have set up everything properly and your plan is coherent and based upon proper knowledge of the ground and how deer behave, it will be a matter of time before you beat a big game.