Garbage, a problem to deal with when we are outdoors

Garbage, a problem to deal with when we are outdoors

Human impact on the environment is not a secret, every day we must deal with tons of waste and trash produced by industry, transportation, and general human activities, leaving a deep footprint where we live, particularly in big urban centers.

When we move out outdoors because of leisure, hunting or any other reason, usually those problems go with us!

For modern people is almost impossible to deal with everyday activities without the help of many gadgets and apparel whose use leaves behind a lot of waste and trash to deal with.

If that's complicated in urban areas where there are plenty of facilities for this scope, when we are out in nature things turn even more difficult and if we are not aware of our impact on the natural environment, sooner or later we'll see negative consequences, not only for us but out descedents, the wildlife and the environment.

Because of that, it's so important to know how to deal with garbage and trash when we are outdoors. No matter if it's a camping trip or a hunting expedition; humans usually produce a considerable amount of trash and dealing with it properly remains paramount to keeping the outdoors sustainable, minimizing the impact of our activities in both natural sanctuaries.

Next, you will find some tips to deal with the trash when camping, especially when

Trash pack

your route is far away from organized camps and trails.

1. Minimize waste before leaving home
The best way to deal with trash is to minimize its potential sources, so avoid as much as possible the use of disposable containers and wraps, instead opt for reusable containers for your food.

Unwrap at home everything you will take with you. From napkins to food, everything must be removed from its disposable wraps and put into reusable plastic bags.

This is a double-purpose action. First, you don't have to deal with disposable wraps out in nature, and second, once a bag's content is exhausted, it may be used for another purpose such as leftovers packing.

2. Never dispose of your food leftovers in the nature
Certainly food leftovers are biodegradable but it takes longer than we think to disappear, which means there will be bad odors in the area attracting insects like flyes, moreover, bacteria in our food are different from what's found in natural environments and we might alter microbiology in a given area without noticing it.

On the other hand, the food odor will attract wildlife to the area being a risk for animals and humans as well.

Animals will eat human food which is not intended for wildlife diet, putting in danger their health, but additionally, animals in the area will begin to associate human presence with food, being this a critical risk when we are talking about big predators that will see human presence as a food source, leading to undesired and potentially dangerous encounters.

Because of all the aforementioned, food leftovers must be stored in a sealed plastic bag and carried with you until you reach a trash dump to dispose of them properly.

Certainly, this implies an extra effort but conserving our environment is worth it!

3. NEVER burn your trash in a campfire
To avoid extra weight during an excursion, particularly if they are long, many campers, hikers, and hunters burn their trash in a campfire.

That's not the best choice because of many reasons. First of all, you might start a wildfire accidentally, in fact, most wildfires begin due to human activities or neglect!

But let's think you handle your campfire properly and there's no risk of wildfire, something worse occurs without you noticing it.

When we burn plastic, cardboard, or any other manmade material, a lot of pollutants are released into the soil and air, even watercourses if you burn your trash near the water, and even when we don't notice it, their immediate and late impact on the environment is a real fact.

4. Take with you a Trash Pack
Same as you have a backpack with all the needed for your camping or hunting excursion, it's also required to count with a "trash pack".

Leaving our dirt and trash behind is not an option but it's neither to mix garbage with edible goods, clothing, or anything we have in our backpack, so a carrying device intended only for waste is the best choice to put all our trash, properly stored and sealed, until we reach a place to dispose of it properly.

Perhaps carrying that extra weight is not convenient but the effort pays, allowing us to keep our environment safe and turning our outdoor activities sustainable not only for us but our children and grandchildren.

In the end, all the extra effort to keep nature free of garbage will be for our own benefit, so be ready to deal with your trash and don't leave any traces of human activities behind you once you come back from the wilderness.

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