Key tips to camp safely

Key tips to camp safely

Camping is always an exciting experience, especially if you have to sleep outside during a hunting expedition.

Since we are children, the idea to expend the night with only a tent between us and the sky has captivated us, and certainly, it's one of the closest experiences to mother nature however, despite all its attractiveness, camping might turn into a nightmare if you miss some safety details.

Some of them seem to be too obvious but it's always good to keep these tips in mind to assure a safe, pleasant camping.

Remember that the two major concerns when you are camping are the elements, particularly weather conditions, and local fauna, so it's necessary to take into consideration all potential hazards related to them in order to avoid risks and minimize danger.

So, let's see what to do to have a safe camping:

1. Look for elevated terrain
Once you have selected the area to camp in, check the terrain and choose the most elevated areas, it does not have to be a critical unevenness, just some inches over most of the area will be enough to keep you dry in case of heavy rain.

2. Check watercourses near your camping area
Camping near a watercourse is always useful to have access to clean, fresh water however, it may turn into a risk in case of heavy rain or floodings, so it's necessary to choose a place close enough to the water but at a safe distance inCamping safety tips case, water level raises suddenly.

Remember, in nature things may change drastically in a matter of hours, so you must anticipate to expected dangerous situations.

3. Look upside before camping
Believe it or not, loose branches may result in danger in case of heavy wind, even without wind, natural trees movement may make a loose branch fall, causing severe injuries and even death for people down.

With the above in mind, it remains paramount to check over your head before deciding where to camp.

4. Find natural shelter from rain and wind
Rain and wind may be strong enough to take down tents so, if possible, try to locate your camp beneath natural shelters such as small hills, fallen trees, or any other big element that may provide shelter against natural elements.

Some people think a natural cave might be a good shelter but keep in mind that local fauna may live inside some of those caves, so finding shelter inside may be dangerous if you are not familiar with local animals' behaviors.

5. Stay away from unstable terrain and cliffs
Check for signs of collapsed terrains near mountains and stay away from them. Sometimes a hill may be a great natural shelter but if there are signs of collapsed terrain, it may be a risk because of falling stones or mud avalanches, furthermore, during winter, check for signs of loose snow and stay away from snow avalanches risk areas.

Cliffs are another thing to keep in mind. Camping near cliffs may result in serious hazards, so stay away from them to avoid undesired risks.

It results clear that camping may turn into a big problem when basic safety measures are obviated, so get sure to have an enjoyable experience taking into consideration all safety rules every time you camp outside.

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