Old School Hunting Tips

Old School Hunting Tips

Modern hunters have a lot of resources to facilitate their task and increase their success ods, however cumulated experience during decades from old school hunters is perhaps the most valuable tool, and even when nowadays hunting techniques have changed, sometimes dramatically, there are still too many lessons to learn from old school hunters.

Most of these tips are not related to major changes on hunting strategy but on small details which make the difference and give you an edge on the key moment, so let's see how old school hunters increase their success rates and what we can learn from them.

1. Use waterproof pants below an external clothe layer

Natural way to use waterproof pants is as the external layer of all your clothes, however fabric used for this type of pants is very noisy when you walk around andOld school hunting one leg shear over the other. Using waterproof pants as the most external pants layer will alert all games around about your presence.

To avoid it, wear waterproof pants inside and cover them with regular pants; this way noise will be eliminated. If you don't feel comfortable with waterproof fabric on direct skin contact, add a layer of thin, cotton fabric pants to avoid this contact; additionally you will have more insulation, something useful on cold, wet environments.

2. Not too much oil

Cleaning your guns is vital for hunting success, however you must perform maintenance properly, otherwise your guns might fail because of you!

The main mistake when cleaning your guns is to use too much oil. On the warm, clean home environment this does not represent any problem but later, when you are out on cold weather, the oil excess may become dense and sticky leading to mechanical failures which may put you out of the game; on the other hand, excess oil will catch dirt which might block your gun.

Use just a thin oil layer, enough to clean and lubricate but not as much to generate problems later.

3. Always look behind

When you are stalking deer, keep eyes wide open not only in front of you but behind. 

Sometimes a deer detect you on the near area and remain quiet and still until you pass by; afterwards it quickly leave the area and you never notice a deer was there; so move slow, keep eyes wide open and turn back your sight time to time; perhaps your best shot is just behind you.

4. Cover your barrel shine

Perhaps for you is not a noticeable details, but ducks and other waterfowls bird may detect your barrel shine on a blink even when you are inside a blind. That's why they don't approach you without any apparent reason.

To eliminate your barrels shine, just adhere black, electrical tape over the barrel, that will be enough to shut off that undesirable shine.

5. Use middle sized or small binoculars

These are easier and lighter to carry on and you will use them more times than large, heavy binoculars, in addition your motion capabilities won't be compromised and will be easier to switch fast from binoculars to rifle when necessary.

Perhaps small sized binoculars give you a shorter vision range but are valuable for fast maneuvers on middle and short distances, so consider the use of pocket sized binoculars on your next hunting trip.

The above are just a few tips from old school hunters, perhaps it does not seem a big deal but certainly will make a difference when required, try some of these advises on your next hunting trail and see how your success rate increases drastically! 

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