Wolves, the ultimate predators hunting. Part II
As it was previously stated, wolves hunting is not an easy task and even when such kind of hunting has been practiced during more than 8,000 years as populations protections as well for comercial purposes (wolves skin were once very valuable), nowadays due to extinction risks as well many other considerations, both, professional and commercial wolves hunting are limited and most of catches are done by sport hunters.
However to find and hunt a wolf on feet is more a matter of luck due to wolves elusiveness as well a very large territory; hence in order to improve success chances some techniques have been developed in order to facilitate such a complex hunting.
Even when each one could have different success rates depending of local conditions and considering that all of them have also their cons, the following wolf hunting techniques are the most popular.
1. Blinds
Wolves senses are very keen and their behaviours is very elusive, thus if a human being is detected you'll probably won't see any wolf; then a good way to avoid detection is using blinds set properly before the season beginning.
Blinds requires a deep knowledge of the area and scouting with a local guide is mandatory in order to establish the best spots areas to set the blinds, otherwise your blinds won't be useful.
Once the blind is properly set (based on previous scouting and local guides data), it's time to set the bait; usually 200 yards away from the blind, and wait. If there are wolves in the area it won't take long until their show up. After all, during winter a free meal is always a great gift! But remember to set your blind far enough to avoid being detected and try to set the bait with the wind on your face to keep your smell away from the bait area.
When the pack is on shooting range it's time to use your rifle. Select an individual, aim and shot!
2. Calls
This technique is not suitable for everyone and only master hunters use it. Usually at dawn, when the wolves pack begins to howl, the hunter begins to make calls too, mimicking wolves vocalizations, in order to catch the pack interest.
If the calls are good enough and you succeed to catch pack's attention, then the wolves will move towards your position, but remember, don't shoot until the animals are on range, otherwise you'll scare them and they will run away before you can do anything.
3. Decoys
Basically the technique is like the blind one but without the blind. In this case you have to set a dead moose or any other big catch in order to attract the wolf pack interest; however instead of a blind you must be hidden using camo and natural hiding points until the wolves show on the area.
On this case there's more chances of being detected and there's no protection being the hunter more exposed to attacks but, on the other hand, it requires less hard job (no previous blind setting) and gives the hunter more mobility since there's no limitations due to blinds locations.
4. Wolf Hunting with Dogs
A very popular method during the XIX Century in North America and Europe, this hunting is not for any dog, in fact the hunter must count with specially breed dogs known as "wolfhounds" which were specially trained to face wolves, otherwise dogs would be afraid of wolves' scent and would avoid engaging.
However nowadays, despite the "romantic" aspect of wolf hunting with dogs, there's no many wolfhounds breeders and thus not many dogs are available to hunt wolves; moreover to hunt wolves with dogs is legal only in Wisconsin, something that has lead to a severe decline of this practice; but there's still a buch of hunters breeding their own dogs and hunting wolves with them on the most remote areas of Wisconsin.
Whichever you choose, remember that wolf hunting is a matter of experience, patience a little bit of luck, thus don't hesitate to ask help from a more experienced wolves hunter in order to learn faster and accumulate valuable experience which will help to succeed on wolf hunting in the future.