Different Hunting Gloves Materials

Different Hunting Gloves Materials

Hunting gloves are made with different materials depending of the task they are intended to. On this regard wool gloves are among the most popular between hunters since it's possible to make all kind of gloves with this material, from fingerless up to compound mittens. 
Wool is excellent keeping your hands warm and is feasible to dye it on every color required to allow proper camo, additionally wool gloves are partially water resistant but lanolin requires to be applied regularly to keep them waterproof.

Despite its ability to keep hands warm, wool is not the most durable material on hard terrains, plenty of thorns and twigs, thus if you are planning to hunt on a heavily wooded area, gloves made with a more resistant material would be better as well composite gloves where wool is inside while the outer layer is made of a more durable fabric.Composite material hunting gloves

Among the most durable material we find leather which is the preferred option when horse riding hunting as well falconry, however it may be used for all kind of hunting, especially when out on difficult terrain where hands require extra protection.

Perhaps leather gloves are most expensive but since it's a sturdy material, it's a sort of investment while they will last for years and years. Leather is flexible, allowing to perform fine movement tasks, additionally it's able to keep hands warm while protecting from external elements.

Despite its advantages, some hunters discourage leather gloves use because of its smell while some others prefer cheaper options such as fleece.

Fleece is remarkable to keep warm hands regardless of frosty temperatures, additionally it's breathable and no irritating, so it's the best choice for both, cold weather as well for people with wool skin reactions, however if you are planning to hunt on a very wet area it will be necessary to choose another options since fleece is not waterproof.

There's available some compound material gloves with fleece inside and a stronger fabric outside (like composite wool gloves), so if you are allergic to wool and are planning to move on very wet areas this is the best choice.

Finally we find gore-tex gloves. This material became very popular among hunters fast and it seems it will be the leading material soon because gore-tex gloves are cheap, light, breathable, durable and water resistant; additionally the material may be printed with all kind of camo patterns adding extra value.

However gore-tex glove may induce skin reactions. On the other hand gore-tex gloves tend to be bulky rendering difficult to complete complex tasks requiring fine dexterity being necessary to remove the gloves for certain movements, something that's not convenient on very cold weather.

As it may be seen, there's plenty of options, each one with its own pros and cons, thus choosing the best material depends mostly of your personal preferences as well the characteristics of the area where you are hunting. At the end perhaps you'll need several pair of gloves which fit different environmental conditions and task to be performed, so choose the model and material of each one wisely.

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