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After trying the basics regarding natural cover scents it's time to move to the big leagues and try more complex but still more effective ways to create your own cover scents.Home made covert scent done with denature alcohol

Unfortunately to do that you will need to find some ingredients at the store because not all what you'll need is available on the nature, thus the big leagues are a mix of modern chemistry and natural raw materials.

When using water to create an infusion which will be used as a cover secent later the results tend to be good but since water evaporate easily and have poor fixation power, the odor will go away fast too. To resolve this issue the best way is to use another solvent to prepare your cover scent and among all the available, alcohol and oils are the most popular ones.

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First thing to do is to collect leaves and flowers from the area you are thinking to go out; the first scouting and recon trips may be usefull to accomplish this task; try to find some evergreen plants such as balsam fir, spruce, pine, and cedar and store them on an open bag to avoid moisture accumulation. If evergreens are not available on the area, you also may use deciduous plants like sassafras, sage, or goldenrod, just be sure to Homemade deer covert scent

collect the most representative ones from the local flora.

If no many aromatic vegetation is present on a particular hunting ground, you also may use some loose soil.

Once back at home or camp it's time to put hands on work; put some water in a pot, just enough to cover the collected plants and boil them; the aim is to create a concentrated infusion of the regional plants smell.

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Despite of their effectiveness, commercial scents might have several disadvantages, from the extra money expend up to the use of a particular plant scent on an area where there's not such vegetation; making deer
suspicious to this new, extrange odor, nevertheless that's a rookie mistake and veterans hunters should Natural Cover Scentnot worry about it but what's if you forgot your scent bottle or lost it on the woods?

Then it's time to take advantage of natural resources, on the other hand it might be funny to create your own cover scents as old fashioned hunters done years ago.

The best way to cover human odor is using local vegetation to hide it; once on the area you may pick a handfull of pine-tree needles, break them and rub them between your palms, afterwards wipe your hands on your hunting clothes and gear to impregnate the scent and cover your human odor.

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Of course you won't get an expert overnight but with practice, study and sharing of experience, your skills will render you a master soon.Properly set of a trap

Once the first step (knowledge) is achieved, it's time to get the basic apparel and even when unbelievable, first thing you need is a good pair of rubber boots.

No matter if you are going behind foxes, minks, muskrats or raccoon neither if you are setting traps on water or land, a good pair of rubber boots is mandatory to keep you safe and comfortable.

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If you find several signs of turkey presence on an area, keep moving around because sooner or later a flock will show up. To make things even easier, look for food and water sources, if there are turkeys on the area as suggested by your scouting, you'll find a flock near a food source for sure.
Fall Turkey Season Tips
Keep in mind that turkeys fall feeding behavior is a little bit different than usual, especially when colder, wild turkeys will spend more time on the woods eating different berries, beechnuts and acorns.

Now you know there are wild turkeys on the area and have identified potential good places to locate them, it's patience time!

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