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On many states it's allowed to use dogs to break flogs increasing the hunter's chance to call and intercept a bird; however to achieve a high performance on this technique, legal on most states, as well on any other regarding turkey hunting with dogs, it's mandatory to keep some details in mind.

1. Choose a proper breed

Many dogs are able to chase turkeys but the best breeds usually includesDog Turkey Huting a cross between a pointer and a setter. Two of the most populars breeds are the Boykin Spaniel and the Appalachian turkey dogs which were raised especially for turkey hunting.

2. Everything is about training

It's no reasonable to expect a good performance if dogs go out on the woods only during the hunting season, thus continuous training is mandatory. While most time is spent on the bushes, better the performance will be once the game begins.

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You must sit down on a covered position and wait, wait and wait, usually squirrels will show up early in the morning or at the end of the day but no so long, thus very good reflexes are mandatory, specially after being Late Season Squirrel Huntingmonitoring the area from hours almost immobile.

Once an squirrel shows up, you'll have to shoot fast as a lightning because it will not expend too much time outside, in fact the animal may get out just a few seconds, jumping from one tree to another very fast, giving to the hunter a very tiny chance to shot.

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Bear senses of smell and earing are simply keener than humans', especially smell because while the human nose has only around six millions olfactory receptors, the bear's nose has 12.6 trillions of them; in fact the bears sense of smell is 2100 times more sensitive than humans, allowing them to smell what you are eating 20 miles away!Bear Hunting Tips

With such a wonderfull, impressive smell it's mandatory to mask your human odor, otherwise bears will stay away from your blind. To do so, every tip related to human odor cover is useful (click here for more info) but there are a couple of extra tips that will help a lot.

1. If your city has clorinated water supply, go to the pet shop and buy a bottle of aquarium water conditioner, afterwards put it on a gallon water and use it to wash the clothes you will be using when hunting after the last rinse. This will help to eliminate clorine smell, something that bears will identify as unnatural on their territory, making the animals to stay away.

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Even if you are an experienced hunter on your homeland, hunting abroad may imply different challenges, especially on tropical countries, hence extra protection is mandatory, from simple sun screens up to specific vaccines depending of your destination.Hunting Abroad Tips

Hire a reliable, bilingual local guide

Remember, you are not at home and it's easy to get in troubles without proper guidance, especially if you don't speak local language; thus a good, reliable, bilingual, local guide may be the difference between a wonderfull hunting trip or a disastrous one.

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But the truth is that it's easier to say than doing it; thus basic hunting tactic here is the stealth. By midseason squirrels are more active at dawn and dusk; hence you must previously spot for an area with signs of squirrels activity and find a good cover at ground level and hide thereMid Season Squirrel Hunting before squirrels become active, that way your presence will not be detected easily.

Remember about the keen sight of squirrels, they will be aware of every little change on the area as well of movement, hence find coverage behind a fallen tree or a rock pile; try to avoid sitting on top of blowdowns or stumps because squirrels will run away for sure.

Now the game name is "waiting". Success depends of how long the hunter may wait until the perfect moment for a shot. Sit calm ans wait still, don't be tempted to shoot as soon a squirrel appears, just give time to the animal to find a nut and begin to eat; once focused on its meal it will be easy to shoot it down.

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