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1. Ears

Hares' ears are longest thant rabbits, perhaps that's the most noticeable difference among both species, but not the only one.Differences between rabbits and hares

2. Size

Hares tend to be bigger than rabbits, however if there are not comparison points or you don't see both animals one aside the other, it will take a little time, effort and experience to estimate size differences, especially on the distance.

3. Habits

Hares tend to live all the time above the ground while rabbits use to dig burrows underground, so their nest is off your sight and they emerge to the surface only for feeding or matting. 

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Once in the field, move quietly and speak as low as possible, even better if you use hand signals instead of chatting with your hunting partners.Pheasant Hunting Tips

The key of success is stealth, and being silent is crucial!

2. Move slowly

Once again, if pheasants detect your presence before you see them, they will just run away into safety much before you are able to shoot. 

Since movement is detected by pheasants easier than human shape, any abnormal signal on the area will alert the birds and they will fly away; so move slowly and make frequent stops to avoid being detected.

3. Spot the edges

Pheasants don't live in one single habitat but in many, sharing their time between bushes and open lands, so spotting the edges between different habitats type will give you an edge to catch them while moving from one are to another.

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On this regard, the following is a compilation of the most important tips from experienced hunters to follow as a general rule, especially for newbies. By following these tips, you will increase not only your knowledge but also your success odds and, the most important, you will be safe all the time. Remember, hunting is a funny activity but also dangerous!Hunting Tips

Next, the best of the knowledge taken from experienced hunters, on the field, books and online resources:

1. Knowing the hunting area is essential, so doing a pre-hunting scout or to count with a local guide is essential for success.

2. You must know as most as possible about your game. Knowing about calls, breeding and feeding areas as well behavioural patterns of a particular game will give you an edge when hunting.

3. Stealth is the key. Animal senses tend to be much more keener than human's, so stealth is mandatory for success. If you are not able to undercover your presence, it won't be possible to succeed.

4. Be aware of rules and regulations. Wildlife oficials are stric and regulations change from one place to other as well from one season to other. There are no excuses to break the rules and oficials will punish infractors regardless they didn't know regulations, so be sure to be familiar with local rules for a given season.

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2. What kind of game may you hunt with an Airgun?

Airguns are intended for small games hunting, being the most popular cottontailAirguns hunting rabbits, squirrels, racoons and some types of middle sized waterfowls. Overall, all games the size of dog or smaller are suitable to be hunt using an airgun.

Nevertheless, the most enthusiast, expert airgun hunters are able to shoot down even a deer using this type of weapons, but that's only possible after years of practice.

Warning! Never try to shoot down a wild hog using an airgun! These are tough, hard to kill animals and in most of cases an airgun won't be enough to kill them with one shot; in fact it might be dangerous because you will be in danger of being attacked by the injured hog.

3. Keep in mind the killing zone

Airguns are lethal only if you shoot the killing zone properly but this is not an easy task since in most of cases it's less than an inch wide; thus in order to assure a one shot kill you must have a clear shot on the brain or heart; otherwise the injured animal will run away to hide and die slowly, but you won't retrieve the game; being a waste of your time while the animal will lose its life for nothing.

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1. Choose the wrong area

Many hunters, especially rookies tend to hunt near roads or on easy access, public lands. Despite of being convenient, these areas tend to be overcrowded and have the higher hunting pressure over Coyotes, decreasing success rates;Mistakes during Coyote hunting moreover, Coyotes have learned to avoid such areas since there are more chances of contact with humans.

Thus, if you wish to increase your odds, it will be necessary to walk a little deeper into the bushes.

2. Noisy approach

Another common mistake is to choose a good area which will be ruined because a noisy approach. 

Coyotes are very mistrusted and will stay away of anything suspicious or out of place on their territory. If you arrive to a remote area with a powerful truck provided with a noisy engine; slapping doors and making a lot of noise; probably Coyotes will be a mile away even before you set up your hunting spot.

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